Ramblings from my life…

Posts tagged “mother’s helper

E is for Energized!

Whew! Feel the burn!

Today was a great day! My mother’s helper came over to watch the girls. First I took the dog on a long walk, then went jogging, showered and went grocery shopping. The girls had a fun time and were begging me for her to come back soon. After lunch we headed out to my sisters house to hang out for awhile and then went to a library out by her to see a magic/singing act. Okay, so it was the same one that was at our library and we went on purpose… what can I say… the guy is good! However, I think I’m all John Hadfield”ed” out now.

In other news, I have yet again been complimented in public about how plesant my children are. This isn’t suprising, since they get all of their aggression out at home… mostly on each other. It never ceases to amaze me that they can fight so often and over nothing. Like – why do they always have to have the same exact doll at the same exact time? Even if there are two identical dolls, one will claim that the one without the broken part is hers.

Today the girls were playing a usual round of school and house. The “mom” cooks a meal and then sends her child off to school where the teacher magically appears and looks an awful lot like dear old mom. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard the student/child say, “Hi mom, I’m home!” and thought that they were calling out to me. When they invite me to play along, I am never allowed to be the mom or the teacher. Hm… Amazingly they will do real school work during their school time in some workbooks that I bought for summer study. It is really cute when one of them will ask the other for help instead of me.

D is for Dog

and Doh! I bet you thought I forgot again?

Tomorrow I will have my first ever mother’s helper. She will stay for about two hours so that I can get things done in and around the house that I otherwise would not get done. First I will take the dog for a walk and then go for a jog. I have to start jogging more frequently, as every time I go… I end up a bit sore the next day. I actually went for a quick jog tonight, although not on purpose.

We started out on our family walk, except that I forgot to put on tennis shoes. I few houses down the street and my ankles and shins started to ache. Flip flops were just not cutting it. So, I walked home, changed shoes and jogged to catch back up with the family. I even had a neighbor down the street chuckle at me – (probably since I was wearing normal shorts, a polo shirt and had long earrings in with sunglasses on my head!) – the family had gotten a bit further than I had thought they would (or had hoped they would) and so I got in quite the warm up!

Anyway, back to the mother’s helper… hopefully I will also get some house cleaning done and maybe even mow the grass. We shall see! I’m pretty excited about it.

The girls are still doing really well with their swim lessons – even venturing as far as putting faces in and holding breath! I’m really proud of them for being brave.

(ps- I’m working on changing the background again… so, stay tuned!)

summer days...

summer days...

All in a days work!

This weekend we went camping. My parents own an RV with two beds and wanted to take the girls to a fun camp with a pool and playground. They asked if hubs and I wanted to come along, so we did. We packed our own tent though because we haven’t been real camping since our first year of marriage, nine years ago. The trip was fun and the girls are still there with my parents. Since husband had to work today, I came back with him to try and catch up with housework. Before I get to today, let me describe our time at the campground (minus fun stuff!).


Our spot was right near the playground, which was great for the kids and easy for us to sit at our site and watch them play. (You wouldn’t believe how many kids would wander down to play with no adult in site??? crazy.) The people camping next to my parents RV were a group of two campers. They had lights linking their sites and picnic tables between the two for meals. They also had out (and always on) a small flat screen tv, a blender to make drinks and a few dogs. At night, some local friends would come visit them. The first night was okay, we had our dog in the tent with us and the people left pretty early. We did hear a few cars throughout the night – which was odd since the camp “closes” at 10 pm.

At bedtime on the second night, with my parents and the kids tucked away in the RV, husband and I sat by our fire for another hour or so. When the fire had trickled down and was well within the confines of the metal barrel, we went to sleep. Since we had heard thunder, our dog stayed in the RV. After about 30 seconds of being in the tent, we hear a loud car pull up, a flash light shine on our tent and a voice saying “security…you are going to put out your fire, right?” Yes sir. Husband goes out and pours water on the embers. An hour passes, I am in and out of sleep b/c of the noisy neighbors. Again, we hear a loud car pull up, a flash light sweeps around… noises, noises…. and then I hear an entire bucket of water being poured over the non-fire. Really? After he leaves the neighbors get loud again, their dogs start barking – they start hounding their dogs and playing along… security comes again. All is quiet… for 5 minutes when the thunderstorm starts. Okay, I can deal with this, it is a lulling sound and I fall back asleep – for another 10 mins until I am awakened by a drip, drip, drip on my forehead! So it rained most of the night and our tent leaked most of the night… but we stayed out and got on and off sleep.

On to today. Since the kids stayed with my parents until tomorrow… I have all day today and tomorrow to catch up on housework, laundry and such without interruptions. Now I am convinced that I need a mother’s helper for the summer so that I can get things done. I washed two loads of laundry, cleaned both bathrooms, the kitchen, cleaned the leather and wood furniture, dusted and vaccumed, mowed the grass and still have time to do something fun today! If I had a mother’s helper here 2 or 3 times a week – I could get all the housework done super quick, mow once a week so husband wouldn’t have to on the weekends and even go running. So… the search begins… let’s see if I can talk any of the teens I know into it…