Ramblings from my life…

Posts tagged “cavities

Happy New Year!

The new year has started off quite adventurous. As promised, we took the girls ice skating today. They both were a bit more confident than before, but Pig Me Too insisted on using the bar because she could go faster. By the end of two hours, both girls were skating alone. Sometime around the beginning of hour two, I was pushing PMT and the bar as fast as we could go… around and around until out of no where, the ice hit me in the face. My entire back popped in the wrong direction and my 5 year old dragged me another foot with the bar. Oh how I wanted to just lay there on the ice. However, husband pulled me up and I skated for another hour through the pain. Oh, the pain… I just took a Vicoden… so, I should be feeling better soon.

In other news, Rusty, our faithful Golden Retriever, is doing better. He went back for another check up and his eye looks better. She said that he has lost most of his vision in that eye, but that he is not in pain. She said that it is probably not a tumor, or his eye would be worse. We are keeping him on his many medicines and eye drops and she added another drop to the mix. He is such a loyal and sweet dog. I think he actually likes the eye drops now (more attention?) because he will sit down perfectly and wait for the drops.


I have not kept up with my cooking blog, but I am constantly trying new recipes. A few nights ago I tried a salmon dish with mint pea puree. It was very mild, but very flavorful. Last night I made a chuck roast with a tomato garlic puree sauce. For a side I made roasted potatoes and zucchini. We had friends in town, so they were my guinea pigs… I didn’t see any signs of yickyness… so, I think it tasted okay.

The roast before I pureed the tomatoesSalmon

There is not much else to report here. Pig Will goes back to the dentist next week to get the rest of her cavities filled. Both girls will go back to school and maybe I will actually get back into a routine. I had let running go for about a month and when I got back from a jog the other day, boy were my muscles upset! I have also let the laundry pile up over the holiday… so the girls wore dirty clothes today. Not that they needed to look (or smell) good for ice skating… but…


Fun run…

Okay, so that title is sarcastic. The last few days have certainly been a run around… but not too much fun.

Sunday morning we woke up and our dog Rusty could not open his right eye. It had been a bit red for about a week and I was planning on taking him in to the vet on Monday… so since our vet was closed, we took him to a vet that was open – only to be charged for an exam and sent to the emergency animal hospital. After waiting a few hours, he was finally seen and told that he needed to stay overnight and be monitored until an Ophthalmologist could see him. They did a pressure test and his normal eye was at 4 psi and his right eye was at 29 psi. Ouch! By nightfall it was at 49 psi. Talk about pressure! They had to put him on a salt solution IV drip to dehydrate him and try and take away some of the pressure. The pressure caused secondary glaucoma and he is now on 4 pills twice a day and 2 different eye drops every 6 or 8 hours, which basically means I am giving him something about every 2 or 3 hours from 5 am until 11 pm. Poor guy. He is doing much better and will be re-evaluated on Monday to see if he needs an eye biopsy. If the glaucoma has not cleared up at all, there is a possibility of a tumor behind his eye.

The rest of the running around has to do with my kids. Pig Will had 3 cavities and they filled one and did 3 sealants on her right side of her mouth… she will go back in January to get the left side done (which is the other two cavities and 2 sealants). What they neglected to tell me was that they were TOTALLY encasing her tooth with a stainless steal cap. The cavity was so far down and between her teeth, that it was impossible to just “fill” it. She is pretty concerned about what she looks like… however, she has sort of shown her silver tooth off to everyone she sees. She complained of it hurting this morning… so, it looks like I’ll be calling the dentist today.

Today I’m taking the girls to see their new doctor. Since we got out of the Navy and changed insurance, I had to find a new doctor. They require you to be seen as soon as possible. I feel like Pig Will has missed so much school lately.

Tomorrow is Pig Me Too’s school play. They are doing The Charlie Brown Christmas. I think she is just a background kid… but her big role is that she is singing a duet with yours truly… so it should be pretty interesting. I feel kind of silly getting up there with the kids, but the look on PMT’s face is such a blessing to me. She is so proud (and shy!) to be singing… and with her favorite singer! 🙂

…and that is only half of it… so, the fun run continues…